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A science backed investment in workplace wellbeing

Develop the skills and resilience needed for mental fitness at work

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 "I will definitely work on creating my toolkit, which will include the breathing exercise, and on getting to know myself in more depth." - Sandra, Workshop Participant

Is work place mental health really worth investing in?

Tell us how many employees are on your team & we'll tell you what the science says.

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*Figures estimated based on data from HSE and the Centre for Mental Health.
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Be Present

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Do What Matters

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Open Up

The Approach

Build up your team's psychological flexibility & their ability to be resilient in the face of stressors.

Help your team discover what is important to them and how to work towards their goals in their personal & work lives.

Build better communication and connection as a team while learning how to make room for difficult thoughts & emotions.

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Looking for on-demand support and training?

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